Sélim Ben Hassen was born on 9 May 1980. A Tunisian national, he studied law and political science at Paris II-Assas University, at the Paris Institute of Political Studies (Sciences Po Paris) and at Oxford University. Having passed various examinations with flying colours along the way, and on the cusp of becoming an international lawyer, he chose to leave all of this behind him to defend the cause of those who are voiceless, and lead the fight on the ground on subjects he viewed as essential.


Armed with a single motto – “Our lives are our acts” –, he travelled throughout his country for several years in order to listen, discuss and take action. Although the projects were very different in nature, the philosophy underpinning them was the same: to give people new hope and to show that a better tomorrow is possible. The method: taking action and achieving success in the very areas where change appeared least likely to happen.


Throughout this commitment to helping the people of Tunisia over a period of more than ten years, there were challenges, successes, and a final hurt.

Sélim ben Hassen et une petite fille pendant la coupe du monde